At Chloe Day, we recruit and retain the highest caliber of faculty and staff—practitioners who are committed to academic and personal excellence and social-emotional intelligence and embody the school's mission, vision, and values.
We are eager to work with and learn from those who:
drive academic excellence through inquiry-based teaching;
design curriculum that promotes enduring understanding and lifelong inquiry;
foster authentic engagement by placing students at the center of the learning experience;
articulate messages of inclusivity and equity and their importance to our community;
embrace meaningful integration of technology in the classroom;
understand that teaching and learning often transcends the classroom;
build collaborative relationships with students that are based in trust and mutual respect;
and believe that collaboration and thinking across disciplines is essential for an energized and purposeful classroom dynamic.

We seek faculty who are passionate about their field of expertise, the craft of teaching, and lifelong learning. To advance innovation in instruction and facilitate faculty growth, Chloe has extensive professional development opportunities, including:
trainings by consultants and facilitators;
collaboration with colleges and universities in course development;
teacher-led workshops on inquiry-based learning;
professional learning communities;
attendance at a wide range of conferences;
Training from NYC Department of Education Early Childhood Division
Support in Finding Funding for Advance Education in the Field of Early Childhood Education
Diverse Learning Environments

Our two’s program is designed to foster a sense of community and positive social interactions in a small, home-like environment. Chloe Day School cultivates a community of empathy through a progressive curriculum that focuses on self-expression, sharing, and teaching children the language they need to succeed in their daily interactions.
Our small classroom sizes allow our two-year-olds to bond with their educators and with peers, through play, small and large group projects, and varied special activities and trips.

In our 3-K program, preschoolers learn about sharing and friendships. They are problem solvers and helpers, and they are currently working on a project book about their family and their role in it.
Students have classroom jobs, including taking care of classroom pets and plants. They are on the path toward independence and critical thinking as a community. Children actively share their thoughts and ideas, giving them a sense of ownership in the classroom, which helps build their confidence to tackle challenges.
They take turns with weekly classroom jobs, and we use the environment and materials to empower them to think deeply, take risks, and work together. Our focus is on math, literacy, science, and social-emotional development, and we foster curiosity and wonder through provocations.
Teachers observe what children are interested in and ask questions to help them develop their theories and hypotheses.

In our 3-K program, our preschoolers learn about sharing and friendship. They are problem-solvers and helpers. They are working on a project book about their family and their role in the family.
In this class, we have an additional special training Teacher assistant in ABA to support students with developmental variations. Our unique support offers extra support to students with mild developmental variations while providing an inclusive space for learning to continue their journey toward independence and becoming critical thinkers as a community. Children share their thoughts and ideas, allowing them to participate actively in their learning. They have a strong sense of ownership in the classroom, which helps build their confidence to tackle challenges that may arise.
We foster children’s curiosity and wonder through provocations while focusing on math, literacy, science, and social-emotional development. Teachers observe what children gravitate toward and ask more questions to facilitate children's development of their theories and hypotheses.

Please remember the following information:
Our Pre-K learners are more independent. They learn to care for their belongings, themselves, each other, and their classroom. The Poppies classroom offers a unique opportunity for young and enthusiastic learners to explore and learn about social justice and community.
We focus on developing the skills necessary for students to succeed in kindergarten. Through play, exploration, and inquiry, our students build strong foundational knowledge in literacy, mathematics, science, and communication.
Students learn basic American Sign Language (ASL) and Spanish. Our program also supports our students' growth as they develop a heightened sense of the world, a desire to be independent, stronger critical thinking skills, and the need for social interaction.
We support and teach them how to problem-solve, resolve conflicts, and help build their confidence through purposeful play and collaborative learning experiences.